Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Perfection not necessary.

Hello everyone. In the past 2 years as a member of CFF I think I have learned more than 1001 things about technology and Web 2.0; at least my tired brain thinks so...

Most importantly I have learned not to worry about finding the perfect app, just find one that works, is safe and does what you need. Technology changes sooooo fast there is always something bigger, better and brighter available just over the horizon.


  1. I too have learned about the different apps you can add to google docs. I created forms before, but never used them as a self-grading quiz. It was rather simple once I applied my Excel knowledge to the form!!

  2. I am amazed at the versatility and only wish I had more time to get a good handle of this before going back to school.

  3. I agree with Lynn. I am excited about all the potential I now have with Google Doc. I just wish I could find more time to play around with it! Where is the summer going!

  4. After 23 years of teaching, I'm finding that I have much to learn, but its great fun!

  5. Where is today's room? I didn't get an e-mail.

  6. https://sas.elluminate.com/m.jnlp?sid=2008074&password=M.4FCD3B8EF24B8F3810FCA9BE6A9B20

  7. You are so right. it is a challenge keeping one step ahead of the students and teachers whom I work with. It has created increased enthusiasum in me after 20 years of teaching.

    I am still not sure I have much to blog about however.

  8. I am enjoying learning about the wonderful Google tools. I can't wait to show (remind) students the special search keywords/tools we used in the first class, i.e., calculator, searching for only certain types of files, etc.

  9. This is the first chance I have had to voice anything! I'm not sure what one is supposed to 'do' with a blog. I'm responding to this, but how do the people to whom this is being sent use this? Is this what a student would do? Would I respond to each person as they contribute? I'm not seeing the big picture here. Also, I haven't been able to get into any of the docs - not sure why. At this moment, I have had to open three email accounts to get here! If I were able to have feedback, I might be a little more enthusiastic, as it is, all I can do is take everyone's word for it that this is great! I did set up a blog for my seniors, but other than setting up the page - I wasn't clear what to do with it.
